Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hays, Conversion of the Imagination

Reviews are now out at on this very interesting work. Sometimes scholars get schtick for publishing a collection of previously published items, but this is well worth it. I'm reading this book right now (disobeying my supervisors, who have rightly encouraged me to set aside method...but how CAN I?!? And I do need to get a little Paul in my blood, don't I?!? And if I ever learn to imitate Hays writing style, or his emphasis on "converting" my imagination in line with Scripture, I'll accrue personal as well as professional benefits from this reading...there, it's justified), and may comment in the future.

[Since Moyise has reviewed this, I may have to draw him into the discussion as well. Steve Motyer has an excellent interaction with Moyise; see his excellently-titled "The Psalms quotations in Hebrews 1: a Hermeneutic Free Zone?" See, and scroll down, for a blurb on the article.]

The second chapter of the book, an expansion on method from Echoes with a particular approach to "Story," is of particular interest given my approach to Matthew's genealogy. And the conclusion, where Hays interacts with his critics, is excellent reading.


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