Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Matthew 8:5-13 in the latest JBL

The latest edition of JBL is up; it includes a brief analysis ("The Centurion in Matthew 8:5–13: Consideration of the Proposal of Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., and Tat-Siong Benny Liew," by D. B. Saddington) of a recent attempt to argue that the centurion of Matthew 8 and his pais are man-boy lovers. Saddington notes that the centurion was probably not Roman, which argues against their focus on Roman data; and in any case the data only provides one illustration of a long-term relationship such as that presumably presented in Matthew 8.

Memphian Patrick Gray has an interesting article on Presidential Addresses (discussed in a previous post), and Joel Marcus provides a typically useful read, "Crucifixion as Parodic Exaltation." Perhaps this means part two of his valuable Mark commentary is on the way.


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